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Grass-fed & finished beef, lamb, goat, and pork — with free home delivery for all orders over $75!

Where to Buy Our Grass-Fed Meats

Looking to shop in-store? You’ll find Lonely Lane meats at the following retail locations (in addition to our online shop and our home delivery/Beaverton Farmers Market pickup!).

Grocery Stores




Mike holding up a delivery of food to a super market

Partnering with truly local retailers

Our allergen-free meats are available exclusively through locally owned grocery stores and retailers who prioritize quality and share our belief in the importance of a healthy, robust local food system. No big box stores for us!

By carefully selecting our partners, we’re investing in our Willamette Valley community and living the values that have guided our family farm for three generations.

If you’re interested in becoming a retail partner, review our Wholesale page and get in touch.

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